Endodontic Surgery – Apicectomy

What is an apicectomy?

It is the local surgery performed on the apex or edge of the tooth root.

In which case do I need an apicectomy?

When denervation cannot save the tooth and the solution is to extract the tooth, the solution comes to the apicorrhizectomy. The latter is required when non-surgical endodontic treatment, i.e. simple denervation, is not enough to neutralize the infection of the bone and root, due to the large size and severity of the infection.

How does an apicectomy differ from endodontic treatment?

During an apicetomy the gums are lifted, revealing the inflammation in the root and bone. In contrast, endodontic treatment focuses on cleaning and sealing root canals without requiring gum elevation. An apicectomy allows the dentist to examine the root of the tooth, looking for problems that may not have been detected during the non-surgical procedure.

How does the apicectomy process progress?

Infected tissue, pus and a small 1-2 mm section of the root are removed. Special material is then placed at the tip of the root to protect and PRGF in order to promote new bone growth.

What is the material used?

The material used is MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate), which is biocompatible, inert and has been successfully used in Dentistry for more than 20 years.

What is the recovery process after an apicectomy?

After the material is placed, the gums are slightly sutured for tissue healing. It is recommended to eat cool and soft foods to heal the area faster and better. In a few months, new healthy bone forms around the tip of the root.