What does “Aesthetics” stand for?

Aesthetics deals with the examination of the beautiful and the artistic, focusing on the study of the effect of the senses and the aesthetic on human experience. Gottlieb Baumgarten shaped the modern concept of aesthetics, highlighting it as an autonomous field of philosophy. Topics he examines include the concept of beauty, the perception of the artistic, and the meaning of art. Central questions include “What is beautiful?”, “How do we perceive beauty?”, and “What is the meaning of art?”. Aesthetics also examines the role of the senses, emotions and experience in our perception and response to the world. While it often does not concern philosophers in its own right, it influences many other areas of philosophy, such as the philosophy of art, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of mind.

“Cosmetic dentistry” is developing rapidly and is a field of classic dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth, gums and the oromandibular area in general. Its development is linked both to the individual’s increased desire for a beautiful smile and to the significant developments in the technology of dental materials and applied techniques.

The mouth area occupies a significant percentage of the surface of the face and plays a critical role in vital functions, such as chewing, communicating, speaking, expressing emotions and even breathing. Research data supports that smiling directly affects aspects of psychology, self-confidence and social interaction. An attractive smile is considered an important factor for success in the workplace, as shown by a 2004 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey, where 75% of participants believed that career advancement was linked to an attractive smile.

But what is esthetically and dentally beautiful?

Cosmetic dentistry seeks to emphasize the beauty and harmony of the smile. It approaches the formation of the teeth not only in terms of function, but also in terms of aesthetics. In this context, it uses various scientific and technological approaches.

The reference to the “golden ratio” is a way of expressing the idea that the proportion and harmony of the teeth to the surrounding soft tissue and facial shape contribute to the complete appearance.

In addition, cosmetic dentistry emphasizes the use of different colors, tooth structures and opals to create a natural, realistic and individual result. The integration of technology with aesthetics creates an environment where functionality coexists with beauty, and the smile emerges as a work of art.

All-ceramic or metal-ceramic prosthetic restoration?

In the field of prosthetic dentistry, we have seen significant progress with the use of metal-ceramic restorations for many years. Although metal frames offer durability, the aesthetic aspect is often neglected.

To address these limitations, a thin layer of opacity is used between the porcelain and the metal framework to “hide” the metal. This technique, however, leads to limited transparency and iridescence, limiting aesthetic flexibility to a specific color scheme. Addressing these limitations and achieving high aesthetic results led to the development of all-ceramic prosthetic work.

CAD-CAM technology in dentistry is an extremely efficient way of manufacturing dental work, a process that follows three main stages. First, the impressions taken by the dentist are scanned using a special scanner. The CAD-CAM system then uses specialized software to create a three-dimensional representation of the dental structures and abutments. The final stage involves mechanical fabrication, where the computer gives instructions to build an initial complex. With the use of specialized burs, the framework of the dental work is shaped with absolute precision, ensuring high quality and fit.

What are the characteristics of all-ceramics?

All-ceramic systems, such as zirconia, lithium bisilicate, feldspar porcelain and e-max empress, are considered highly effective due to their specialized properties. These materials offer several advantages:

1. Stability and Strength: They stand out for their exceptional stability, strength and hardness. They provide a stable and durable solution for dental restorations.

2. Biocompatibility: They are considered as very biocompatible materials, offering conventional properties that minimize the risk of allergic or toxic reactions.

3. Optical Properties: They have excellent optical properties, as they can