Tooth Εxtraction


When we suspect that a tooth or teeth are hurting it’s good to get a proper diagnosis so things don’t get worse. Pain is usually what leads to the decision to go to the dentist.

Symptoms that can cause pain are:

a) Sensitivity to cold:
– Cause: Gum recession, caries near the nerve, infection inside the nerve.
– Potential Treatment: Application of a special gel by the dentist and caries cleaning. In case of prolonged sensitivity, Root canal and sealing.

b) Sensitivity to hot:
– Cause: Necrosis of the pulp and infection of the bone and root of the tooth.
– Potential Treatment: Examination by a dentist. Root canal.

c) Pain when chewing:
– Cause: Inflammation of the gums or pulp.
– Possible Treatment: Cleaning at the dentist or denervation, depending on the cause.

As we observe root canal is the treatment of choice for the above types of pain. But when it is too late, and no matter how much we want to save the tooth, root canal is not possible and we are fatally led to the solution of extracting the infected and decayed tooth. For this reason, an early correct diagnosis of caries or immediate response to the first signs of pain, can save us from extraction, choosing other treatments.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery

In order to perform a surgical wisdom tooth removal, the maxillofacial surgeon will first collect extensive medical and dental information about the patient and investigate possible drug allergies. He will then recommend a panoramic x-ray to assess the overall condition of your teeth. It will also estimate the position of the tooth and depending on its direction, inform you of a possible risk of collision with the roots of the adjacent tooth. Often, in an embedded tooth, the presence of a lateral cyst can also be discovered. If peristephanitis is present, the maxillofacial surgeon may recommend the use of an antiseptic mouthwash or even the administration of antibiotics.

The wisdom tooth is the last tooth backwards in the permanent dentition sequence, with two in the upper and two in the lower jaw. These teeth usually appear around the age of 18.

Regarding the decision to surgically remove a wisdom tooth, the procedure and its complexity depend on several parameters, such as:
– The degree of inclusion of the tooth, i.e. how deep under the gums and inside the bone it is.
– The size and shape of the tooth roots.
– The angle of growth of the wisdom tooth.
– The patient’s age and general health.
– The distance of the tooth roots from the nerves of the jaw.

When the outer layer (the molar) of the wisdom tooth is fully erupted, its removal is simple and follows the basic tooth extraction procedures. However, in cases where the tooth is partially or completely embedded in the jawbone, then the surgical method of extraction is chosen.

How is impacted wisdom tooth extracted?

The procedure to remove the hidden third molar is a complex surgical procedure, which requires the experience of a skilled oral surgeon. Wisdom tooth extraction is carried out through the following steps:

The oral and maxillofacial surgeon, analyzing the x-rays, plans the procedure of the operation according to the position of the implanted tooth. Local or, in special cases, general anesthesia is applied. A precise incision is made in the gums to reveal the bone that hides the tooth. The bony covering surrounding the wisdom tooth is removed, thus exposing the tooth. It may be necessary to cut the tooth into smaller pieces for easier root removal. After the entire tooth is extracted along with its roots, the gums are repositioned and sutured. At the end, the patient is given instructions for smooth healing and avoiding complications after the operation.

What is the most suitable age for extraction?

Regarding the most suitable age for extraction, young people and adolescents have the best prognosis. In this age group, the roots of the teeth are not yet fully formed and the surrounding bone is less compact. In contrast, in the elderly, recovery time after extraction is usually longer.

What should the patient do after surgical extraction?

After the surgical extraction of an impacted tooth, it is important that the patient carefully follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid complications and speedy healing. Some key tips include:

1. Wound Care: Avoid brushing the extraction area and use gentle strokes to brush the rest of the teeth.

2. Diet: Eat soft foods and avoid consuming very hot or very cold foods and drinks.

3. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of infection.

4. Avoid Vigorous Activity: Vigorous physical activity can cause bleeding in the extraction area.

5. Use of Painkillers: Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding painkillers for pain relief.

6. Ice Pack: Applying ice to the outer side of the cheek can reduce swelling.

7. Treating Bleeding: If bleeding occurs, place clean cotton or gauze on the wound and apply gentle pressure for a few minutes.

To prevent complications, it is important to:

– Follow your doctor’s instructions.
– Choose an experienced surgeon for the operation.
– Inform your doctor of any existing medical condition or medication that may affect the operation and healing.